We, Robin Orr Blair, Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order, Writer to Her Majesty's Signet, Lord Lyon King of Arms, send Greeting: Whereas The Very Reverend Gregory Wilson Rae Sim, Vicar General, and the Very Reverend Anthony Michael Seeber, Rector, having by Petition unto Us of date 8 June 2001 for and on behalf of THE TRADITIONAL CONGREGATION OF THE MOST HOLY REDEEMER, having Monastery at the Most Holy Redeemer on Golgotha, Papa Stronsay, Orkney, Shewn; THAT the said religious body has the seat of its Corporate Body at the Monastery of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Warden Manor, Eastchurch in the County of Kent; THAT the said Religious Congregation, adhering to the Roman Missal codified by Pope St. Pius V in the Bull Quo Primum given of date 14 July 1570, live a combination of the monastic and missionary vocation and bind themselves by perpetual vows of Poverty, Chastity, Obedience and Perseverance in the Congregation until Death following the Rule codified by St. Alphonsus Liguori and approved by Pope Benedict XIV in form of brief, Ad Pastoralis, given of date 25 February 1749; THAT by Disposition of date 27 May 1999 The Traditional Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer was infeft in All and Whole the Island of Papa Stronsay, which island by its name and history is one of Scotland's Holy Isles; which as of this date is the world's most northerly early Christian monastery ever found; on which island a Christian Monastic Foundation was established prior to the 9th century; THAT on Papa Stronsay the shoreline outcrop Ronald's Geo recalls the assassination in December 1046 of Norway's Earl Rognvald II Brusason, Jarl of Orkney and on which Island the Earl's Knowle tumulus marks the grave of Scotland's Sir Patrick Spens who suffered shipwreck in the service of the Crown in the year 1281; AND the Petitioners having prayed that there might be granted unto them for and on behalf of the said The Traditional Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer such Ensigns Armorial as might be found suitable and according to the Laws of Arms Know Ye Therefore that We have Devised, and Do by These Presents ASSIGN, RATIFY and CONFIRM unto the Petitioners for and on behalf of the said The Traditional Congregation of The Most Holy Redeemer the following Ensigns Armorial, as depicted upon the margin hereof, and matriculated of even date with These Presents upon the 3rd page of the 84th Volume of Our Public Register of All Arms and Bearings in Scotland; VIDELICET :- Or, the Cross of Papa Stronsay, Gules, on a chief Azure an eight point star of the First, and in an Escrol below the shield this Motto "DESERTVM IN PELAGO INSRANSMEABILI"; by demonstration of which Ensigns Armorial the said The Traditional Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer is, amongst all Nobles and in all Places of Honour to be taken, numbered, accounted and received as a Society Noble in the Noblesse of Scotland; In Testimony Whereof We have Subscribed These Presents and the Seal of Our Office is affixed hereto at Edinburgh, this 8th day of February in the 51st year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her Other Realms and Territories Queen, (Seal) Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, and in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Two.

Robin O. Blair

The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer
Golgotha Monastery Island
Papa Stronsay
Orkney KW17 2AR